- From the photo collection of
- AFCM Michael P. Selke
- Ice Maintenance Masterchief 1989-1990

- There was a tree in Antarctica '89, a couple before and one after that I know of. Hut 7
was the CPO's, hut 8 the O's, the hut with the flag was the gym

- First balloon launch '89.

- We had every thing down there in '90, a German Dornier with skies pictured above. Also
had the standard Kiwi 130's, German 130's, Italian 130's (no helos), and we even had a
Canadian Otter with skies.

- The above flag was the "Herc" flag, twas run up the mast whenever all the
130's were in an up status. A helo with circle and slash and the words "not on my
ice." There was a great rivalry between the helos and hercs (a good one) that
provided a little diversion and entertainment.

- All six of the damn things invaded the herc space. They came down to the ice runway to
see if they could use the helo hanger pictured.

- Helo Hanger at Willy Field
- We even had it heated for them.

- A closer look. I don't know if they got the plans from lockheed or if lockheed got the
plans from them.
Had to communicate with hand signals and pictures/drawings to find out what they needed
for maint support.

- Taken through binoculars from maint control, ice runway, looking under a 130 wing '90.