- PAGE 2
- (click on the photos for a larger view)
- The following pictures and comments are from Jermane Jones:
- I was with VAQ-34 from 1989 till 1993. Love your web site and it brought
back allot of great memories. Anyways, I was an Airman in the line Div. then on to
Corrosion Control. I have several Pictures of when we received the F/A 18's, but I was
originally an EA-7L Plane Captain when the Whales were still around. I even got to see GD
220 go off to the museum.
- Edgar Jermane Jones. AD3/MA2

- Pickering, Trumbuaer, Fountain, Salanoa, Greendale, Ferverer and Taylor

- unk, Lt. Hanger, Killingsworth and Vern

- Oceana Det 1990

- Fountain, Robert's, Jones, Meyers and Taylor PR Det

- Roberts and CDR. Mariner

- Hood and Belger

- John, Felix, Skip, Mike, Pinky, Ladonna, Hood, Jones, Loraline, Dee,
- C, Prince, DD, Mookie, Washington, Steward, Gary and Shaw

- Boyd

- Troubleshooters Sine and Simpson

- CDR JD Dixon meeting President Bush on board the USS Lincoln.

- Photos from "Go Navy"
- CDR James "Hoser" Paulsen is relieved as CO of VFA-192
- CDR Brian Corey relieves CRD James Paulsen
- Joe Hawkins, Sandy "Ratman" Sanford, and Ron Chiasson met up
- at the NAS Whidbey Island "O" Club in March.
- Ratman was in town to attend the services of his good friend and Vietnam POW Roger
- A couple of shots of my and "the boys".
- On board the USS John C. Stennis during Operation Enduring Freedom April 2002 .
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