
First logbook entries from July 17 to Sept 27 1999 Name:
John Huth
City: Green Bay
Country: USA
Homepage: http://Brhntr@execpc.com
Logbook Entry:
To all of you Whaler's; Has anyone heard or seen any of our
fellow Shipmates lately? If you have please tell of this site. I'd love
to hear from them. Mike selke, I believe that you live in Tomah,
Wisconsin, it's only a couple of hours West of here. Thanks
again Joe for a great site!
Date: 09:54:16, September 24
Name: John R. "Dick" Pitman
City: Chester,VA
Country: USofA
Logbook Entry:
Thanks RATMAN for letting us know of this page. Wish more
sqdns had one. We accepted "NEW" three of the A3's that VAQ
34 had while I was in VAP-62 in JAX, FL. 144841, 144838
&144846 and I have flown them all. I took 144834 in 12/73 to
VQ-1 on Guam out of NARF while I was in VRF 31.We went
Hono,Johnson Is.,Kwajalein then Agana,Guam. MEMORIES! The
old log book helps too. FAIRWINDS!
Date: 09:40:26, September 24
Name: Vince Lesh
Logbook Entry:
P.S. My E-Mail is: VELesh@AOL.COM
Date: 00:13:15, September 24
Name: Vince Lesh
City: San Diego, CA.
Country: USA
Homepage: http://www.fltintl.com
Logbook Entry:
Very Nice Site! Rat Sanford just told me about it. I've been flying
Lears with Flight International Inc. for the last 16 yrs since USN
Retirement. Our West Coast Site flies out of NAS North Island,
San Diego. We pretty much do for the USN what VAQ-34 used to
do. Flew RF-8, F-100, F-4, F-14, A-6, EA-6B while Active Duty.
Keep up the great work!!
Date: 22:59:26, September 23
Name: Chris Ludwig
City: Lisle, IL
Country: USA
Homepage: http://www.airfloeq.com
Logbook Entry:
Greetings, I was one of the original plank owners. I worked as an
AT. If any of the old crew would like to contact me send an e-mail
to: clud656@aol.com
Date: 14:12:16, September 23
Name: John Huth Ex-AD1
City: Green Bay
Country: USA
Logbook Entry:
Ratman called me this morning and told me about your site. I too
served with the Squadron from 1984 to 1987. It brings back very
fond memories of the Officer's and Men and Women that I got to
know in such a brief time. Keep up the good work and I'll reply to
all who E-mails me, even Nathan, just kidding!
Date: 12:20:20, September 23
Name: Ratman
City: King George
Country: USA
Logbook Entry:
Hey Joe. Good site. Have you heard from the Duck or Gridiot
lately? Duck has RON'd at my home twice since he became a
Capt. at FedEx.
Date: 00:23:12, September 23
Name: David R.Velasquez
City: San Diego
Country: U.S.
Logbook Entry:
I am a former proud Boomer of VA-165, N.A.S. Whidbey Is. Wa. I
sure felt home again,thank you,and stay in touch.
Date: 22:12:24, September 22
Logbook Entry:
AMS1 Wes "Sparky" Pyles. VAQ-34 1987-1990. Nice web page.
Give me a call (805) 659-2931.
Date: 13:18:47, August 25
Name: gregory bantista
City: greenwood
Country: us
Logbook Entry:
worked the AE shop from 1984-89,went to vx4 and got out after
11 yrs. work for fedex a/c maint. in indianapolis in.just wanted to
let the whalers know i still have the whale as a screen saver at
work and think about the memories at pt mugu. write if you
remember the flying flashback!
Date: 00:31:47, August 21
Name: Guy Taylor
City: Morgan Hill
Country: USA
Logbook Entry:
This was quite a suprise to find. It makes me feel like putting on
my dungarees...not. I am going to have to dig up some of the
photos that I have now so they can get posted.
Date: 06:39:11, August 15
Name: Don Greaser, CDR, USN, Ret
City: Norfolk, VA
Country: USA
Logbook Entry:
Really nice site!! Great tobe able to reminisce over the Whale.
Served as VAQ-34's first EW Dept Hd. Those were the good ole
Date: 15:45:05, August 14
Name: Mike Selke
City: Tomah
Country: USA
Logbook Entry:
You must have some time on your hands Joe, this site and one
for VXE-6. Been to both and your doing great, keep it up. There
was a hell of a lot more work going on than what you mentioned
between the time of LT Land and CDR Millward. The KA was our
first A3 but our first aircraft was a TA7C that we kept in VA-305's
hanger because right after we got it we were ordered to remove
the engine and give it to "PMTC". I think my favorite pictures were
Mike Colehour suspended from the top of the hanger on a manila
line installing the orange and black painted plywood panels V A
Q 3 4 and the sign at the entry road that said VAQ-34..The Real
Navy, it didn't last long because the rest of the squadrons over
there were reserve outfits.
Date: 10:19:35, August 14
Name: Harold Matula
City: Pittsburg, PA
Country: USA
Homepage: http://tonkinyachts.cjb.net
Logbook Entry:
Very nice Web site you have here. Please visit the Web sites of the
Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club Web Ring. We hope with the Tonkin Gulf
Yacht Club Web Ring to encourage others to read about the
sacrifices so many made during this period of recent history. Thank
you for visiting and posting on the discussion forum at the Tonkin
Gulf Yacht Club Web Ring Web Site. (http://tonkinyachts.cjb.net) . I
invite others to join us in the discussion forum on the Tonkin Gulf
Yacht Club Web Ring Web site. <A
HREF="http://members.tripod.com/oilchange/listof.htm"><IMG SRC
Gulf Yacht Club Web Ring</A> Webmasters: Please place a link to
us on your links page!
Date: 19:04:33, August 11
Name: Richard "JED" Haynes
City: Rock Hill,SC
Country: USA
Logbook Entry:
Great Site!! I spent 19 months in the PMTC A-3 line around the
time VAQ-34 was born, but my first love was VQ-1. Jimmy, i
hope you have forgave me for leaving, but i needed the traps.
Keep the "WHALES" alive. AD1(AW/NAC) Richard "JED"
Date: 00:05:28, August 09
Name: Charlie Joseph
City: Maryland
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5922/
Logbook Entry:
Great Site, Joe. Enjoyed my visit. Thanks for visiting us and the
nice words. Appreciate it. As you know by now, compliments your
site are what make the hard work of creating and maintaining a
site worthwhile. Watch for E-mail.
Date: 19:14:22, July 25
Name: Mark Swisher
City: Fort Worth, Texas
Homepage: http://www.a3skywarrior.com
Logbook Entry:
Joe, Very good work on your website. I'll have a few shots for you
of the original ERA-3Bs launching from Dallas. I was a crewman
in VQ-2 flying on the EAs, when I got out John Wiley from ESI
hired me for my Avionics and CrewChief experience. Next thing I
know here comes an RA-3B preserved with vintage 50s
equipment touching down at Love Field. I loved that mod
breathing new life into a Whale, creating a new squadron of
ERA-3Bs. I'll never forget those times, engine runs, removing the
fuel tanks, incoming ops checks, installing the new gear,
outgoing checks, pre-flights, and finally you all would show up
and take her around the flagpole to see how she would fly. Turn
around checks and you were gone, another Whale airborne,
another crew with a smile a mile long and one guy on the deck
wishing he'd of signed up for four more. Thanks for the website,
keep up the good work. Swish VQ-2 79-83
Date: 19:10:00, July 25
Name: Mike Robertson
City: Colorado Springs
Logbook Entry:
Hi to all my old VAQ-34 buds. I was the squadron intel geek from
'87-'90, and I have no doubt that VAQ-34 was my best
assignment in the 20 years I spent in the Navy. Joe, thanks for
inventing this site. I need to point out that the photo in the "new"
area credited to me was only sent in by me. The photographer
was actually Dave (Space) Mann. Dave works across the hall
from me and is getting testy about my claim on his brilliant
photography. My apologies Space... and get a life!!!!!!!!!!! There
aren't many entries in this book, whatsamatta shipmates, afraid
we'll find out where you live?
Date: 19:06:43, July 25
Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/bcc/inflight.html
Logbook Entry:
Great site you have here!!!!! Please stop in at the aforementioned
Lake Applet Lounge to view my Applets of the Month pages!
Being a former member of VF-84, "the Jolly Rogers", I felt
compelled to do a tribute to Navy Aviation! Just follow the signs
when you arrive at Madman's Lake Applet lounge! Much to see
besides the Navy Aviation Tribute! Many different Java Applets,
with different subject matter! Over 90 pages! Once
again.........Great site!!!!!!!!!! Madman
Date: 19:03:54, July 25
Name: Nathan Swapp
City: B2 Bomber Factory {The REALLY Heavies}
Logbook Entry:
Joe' I will scan what I have and send it to you as I get a chance.
Date: 19:01:20, July 25
Name: Joe "Ace" Acerni
City: Waco
Logbook Entry:
Well life has been good since I got out. I worked with FEWSG for
nine years on the NKC-135's and EC-24A (Crysler Technologies,
Raytheon)as an ECM tech working on the ALT-40 and ALR-75
systems along with other neat stuff. In December 98' our last
plane the EC-24 went to the bone yard. I still work out at
Raytheon, it's a job!
Date: 18:58:12, July 25