- Lockheed TC-130Q
- 159348
- XD-00
- Click here to see pictures of
- Crew 4 Deep Freeze 94 - 95
- http://www.vaq34.com/159348/doublenuts.htm
- Click here to see pictures of
- 159348 as it was readied for
- its new life as a static display
- http://www.vaq34.com/159348/display.htm
- Attached to VXE-6 as a trash hauler.
- Early Retirement at Tinker AFB for the EC-130Q at Hercules Park.
VIEW*** |

- photo from the VXE-6 decom CD
- Double Nuts on final to the Ice Runway,
- McMurdo, Antarctica.

- Official Navy photo by TACAMO PAO
- Welcome to TACAMO

- photo from the VXE-6 decom CD
- XD-00 on the ice runway
- McMurdo, Antarctica

- Official Navy photo by TACAMO PAO
- Nice right side view. Lower forward windows are painted on, wing tips have
communications antennas housed inside

- photo from the VXE-6 decom CD
- Double Nuts being stuffed with TRASH!

- Official Navy photo by TACAMO PAO
- Left side

- photo from the VXE-6 decom CD
- Double Nuts on the ramp in Christchurch, NZ
- If you never drove that van then you
- wouldn't understand....

- Official Navy photo by TACAMO PAO
- Close up of the Nose

- photo from somewhere off of the web
- Self loading cargo loading in Christchurch, NZ

- Official Navy photo by TACAMO PAO
- Front view, Herc park pavilion is in the background

- photo from the web page of Maohai Huang
- http://buast7.bu.edu/~mhuang/ant/mcm/mcm.html
- Self loading cargo off-loading at the
- Ice Runway, McMurdo, Antarctica

- Official Navy photos by TACAMO PAO
- Two display plaques,
- the left one describes the mission of the EC-130Q,
- the right one tells the history of 159348.

- photo by Bruce Thompson
- Dave Enscoe, Trans-Pac'ing home after DF93/94
- Inside of XD-00

- Pages one and two of the official news release about the new aircraft display at TACAMO

- photo by Bruce Thompson
- Double Nuts on the ramp at NAS South Weymouth, MA near Boston on a good deal
flight over Memorial Day weekend 94.

- Pages three and four of the official news release about the new aircraft display at
- After the end of its operational life as a TACAMO communications platform, 159348 was
also used as a "bounce bird" by the TACAMO community after the communications
gear was removed in 1989. It was operated during Desert Storm as a "trash and
cattle" hauler by VQ-4 until the TACAMO mission tempo for VQ-4 increased.
159348 was loaned to VR-22, and they operated it as an additional asset during the end of
Desert Storm. After the end of Desert Storm 159348 went to the boneyard, and was
resurrected by VXE-6 to be used as a "bounce bird" and as a "trash and
cattle" hauler during Operation Deep Freeze from 1992-1995. When 159348 came to the
end of its required service life period no one wanted to pay for the rework, although the
United States Forest Service, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and a couple of other
"alphabet soup" named government agencies were interested. There were no takers,
so it was given an early retirement at Tinker AFB.
- A true hero of the Cold War!