- Lockheed LC-130R-1
- The original XD-03
- Lockheed production number: 4522
- Lockheed series number: 382C-26D
- Type/Model/Series LC-130R-1
- US Navy Buno: 159131
- USAF serial number: 73-0841
- Build date: 1973
- VX-6 side number: N/A
- VXE-6 side number: XD-03
- History: Owned by the National Science Foundation, operated by VX-6 / VXE-6 from
1974 to 1987.
- Disposition: Crashed while attempting landing during recovery of 148321.
Site D59, 09 Dec 87 , Antarctica
- The Navy LC-130R-1 is the equivalent of the USAF C-130E
- While viewing these photos please remember that two brave men of VXE-6 made the ultimate
sacrifice in the Navy's exploration of Antarctica as a result of this mishap.
- LCDR Bruce Bailey
AK2 Donal M. Beatty





- Two killed in airplane crash in East Antarctica
- - from the Antarctic
Journal, March, 1988
- http://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/history/321/131crash.html
- Rusty's Antarctic Flying webpage
- http://members.tripod.com/age77/id17.htm