
- Photo by Ian Powell
- GD220 taxing back to airshow parking after an A-3/F-14 tanking demonstration, NAS Pt
Mugu airshow 1985.

- Photo by Stuart Freer
- GD 220 on the VAQ-34 A-7 line during the 1989 Mugu Airshow.

- Photo from Sheldon Brown
- One of the last gatherings of KA-3B's
- On DET, Elemendorf AFB,
- Anchorage, Alaska Nov 1988
- Front to back:
- VAQ-33 138925, VAQ-34 138944
- VAK-308 142664, VAK-308 147666

- Photo by Brian Lockett
- http://www.air-and-space.com
- GD 220 at the NAS Point Mugu Airshow 1986.

- Photo by René Francillon
- GD 220 on the ramp at NAWS Point Mugu

- Photo by Gil DeHoyos
GD 220 looking pretty piss poor sitting on the deck of the USS Lexington museum, Corpus Christi, TX.
- Cockpit lettering:
- Pilot Scott Thompson,
- Crew Chief Conrad Jutras

- Photo from Cliff Littlejohn
- GD 220 tanking an unknown EA-7L

- Photo from Dave Gowin
- GD 220 with a PMTC A-6 and an unknown A-4.

- Photo by Brian Lockett
- GD 220 has the ball.

- Here is GD 220 when we received it in 1983. On the back of the photo it says the
following: KA-3B Buno # 138944 Aircraft landed at PMTC, Point Mugu 9 Mar 1983 at 14:30 for
the newly established VAQ-34 Command.

- GD 220 on the line in Purto Rico
- before launch

- Photos from Nathan Swapp
- KA-3B GD 220

- Photos from Nathan Swapp
- KA-3B GD 220

- Photos from Nathan Swapp
- KA-3B GD 220

- US Navy Photo
- KA-3B GD 220 tanking a PMTC TA-7C and a PMTC A-6E 1989 during a Harpoon

- US Navy Photo from Mike Robertson
- KA-3B GD 220 Rim-Pac 1989
- Crew Photo

- Photo by Ron Long
- Tanker on the line in Purto Rico

- Photo by Ace
AT2's (civilian's) Joe "Ace" Acerni and Mick "Micky" Willis back
in their "Squid days" out in front of a "real" VAQ-34 Aircraft GD 220

- Photo from Ron Chiasson
- KA-3B GD 220 tanking ERA-3B GD 210

- Photo from Dave Mann
- KA-3B GD 220 background
- ERA-3B GD 210 forground
- somewhere over the Pacific off
- of So Cal 1989

- Photo by Nathan Swapp
- VAQ-33 EA-4F forground
- KA-3B GD 220 background

- GD 210 Oct.14,1989

- KA-3B on the A-7 line at VAQ-34,
- NAS Point Mugu, Ca

- Photo by Ron Long
- GD 220 start-up on det in Purto Rico 1988
- Wet start?