- C-130D Ski Herc Production Listing
- Lockheed Numbers
- Model
- USAF Series Number
- Build Date /
- Current Status
- Remarks
- 3191 / 182-1A
- C-130D /
- C-130D-6
- 57-0484
- 1957 /
- Scrapped

- Photo courtesy of Gerry Harris

- Photos from Rollingthunder at the Hercules Headquarters web site
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs. The ski's were removed and the aircraft was
redesignated C-130D-6. The ski hydraulic plumbing was keept intact.
- This aircraft was sold to Peru for use by the Peruvian Air Force.
- Current location / disposition: In May of 2002 Bob Daley reported that this aircraft had
been broken up for scrap by Peru.
- More info about 57-0484 can be found at this direct page:
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu13/mn13_p13.htm
- 3192 / 182-1A
- C-130D /
- C-130D-6
- 57-0485
- 1957 /
- Display

- Photo from the MN Air Guard Museum
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs. The ski's were removed and the aircraft was
redesignated C-130D-6. The ski hydraulic plumbing was keept intact.
- Current location / disposition: On Display with the Minnesota Air Guard Museum
Minneapolis, MN: http://www.mnangmuseum.org/,
painted as 55-0016, which was lost in Vietnam in 1974.
- 3193 / 182-1A
- C-130D /
- C-130D-6
- 57-0486
- 1957 /
- Training Aid
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs. The ski's were removed and the aircraft was
redesignated C-130D-6. The ski hydraulic plumbing was keept intact.
- Current location / disposition: Training aid at Sheppard AFB, TX
- 3194 / 182-1A
- C-130D /
- C-130D-6
- 57-0487
- 1957 /
- Crashed 1986
- Photo courtesy of Gerry Harris
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs. The ski's were removed and the aircraft was
redesignated C-130D-6. The ski hydraulic plumbing was keept intact.
- Current location / disposition: Crashed on14 Aug 1986 in Honduras, no other details are
- More info about 57-0487 can be found at this direct page:
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu13/mn13_p12.htm
- 3195 / 182-1A
- C-130D /
- C-130D-6
- 57-0488
- 1957 /
- Davis-Monthan
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs. The ski's were removed and the aircraft was
redesignated C-130D-6. The ski hydraulic plumbing was keept intact.
- Current location / disposition: Transfered to Davis-Monthan in June 1976.
- 3196 / 182-1A
- C-130D /
- C-130D-6
- 57-0489
- 1957 /
- Training Aid
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs. The ski's were removed and the aircraft was
redesignated C-130D-6. The ski hydraulic plumbing was keept intact.
- Current location / disposition: Training Aid, US Army Quartermaster School as a ground
training aricraft, Fort Lee, VA
- 3197 / 182-1A
- C-130D
- 57-0490
- 1957 /
- Display

- Photo courtesy of Bill Nichols
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs.
- Current location / disposition: Transfered to the Empire State Air
Museum, Schenectady, NY.
- More info about 57-0490 can be found at this direct page:
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu13/mn13_p26.htm
- 3198 / 182-1A
- C-130D
- 57-0491
- 1957 /
- Scrapped

- Photo courtesy of Thomas A. Fabyanic

- Photo from Bob Daily
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs. This aircraft was sold to Peru for use by the
Peruvian Air Force complete with ski's.
- Current location / disposition: In May of 2002 Bob Daley reported that this aircraft had
been broken up for scrap by Peru.
- More info about 57-0491 can be found at these direct pages:
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu10/mn10_p36.htm
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu10/mn10_p28.htm
- 3199 / 182-1A
- C-130D
- 57-0492
- 1957 /
- Davis-Monthan
- Photo courtesy of William "Bill" Nichols
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs.
- Current location / disposition:
- Transfered to Davis-Monthan in Apr 1985.
- More info about 57-0492 can be found at this direct page:
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu13/mn13_p16.htm
- 3200 / 182-1A
- C-130D
- 57-0493
- 1957 /
- Display

- Photo courtesy of the Pima Air Museum
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs.
- Current location / disposition: Transfered to the Pima Air Museum and is on display.
- More info about 57-0493 can be found at both of these direct web pages:
- http://www.pimaair.org/loc_c130.htm
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu13/mn13_p14.htm
- 3201 / 182-1A
- C-130D
- 57-0494
- 1957 /
- Davis-Monthan

- Photo courtsey of Will Turk
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs.
- Current location / disposition: Transfered to Davis-Monthan in Feb 1985.
- More info about 57-0494 can be found at this direct web page:
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu13/mn13_p28.htm
- 3202 / 182-1A
- C-130D
- 57-0495
- 1957 /
- Crashed 1972
- Photo courtesy of Don Wilkerson
- C-130A modified to C-130D specs.
- Current location / disposition: Crashed on Greenland ice cap 05 Jun 1972.
- More info about 57-0495 can be found at this direct web page:
- http://www.firebirds.org/menu13/mn13_p10.htm